About us

Founded in 2006 as a trading company, we have grown to become a major distributor, trader and supplier for Defence & De-Mining Equipment in and around ASEAN.

Our Key Businesses


Diversifying our mining portfolio, we specialize in extracting precious resources such as gold, copper, silver, and rare earth elements, employing cutting-edge technologies to ensure sustainable and efficient extraction practices.Exemplifying our role as industry leaders in resource exploration and extraction.

Defence Equipments

In the defense sector, our expertise extends to demining operations, advanced tactical body wearables, and the provision of safety gears tailored specifically for the mining and related industries. Our commitment to innovation enhances security and operational efficiency in challenging environments.

Real Estate

Established as a key player in the real estate landscape, we proudly contribute to both the commercial and residential sectors. Our projects epitomize quality and excellence, defining us as a prominent force in shaping modern and sustainable living and working spaces.

Our Key Milestones



Years of Expertise



In Last 2 Financial Year

Global Presence


Global Partnership



Active Work Force

Founded in 2006 as a trading company, we have grown to become a major distributor, trader and supplier for Defence & De-Mining Equipment in and around ASEAN. We have entered in Mining of Gold, Copper, Silver & Rare Earth in 2018. GDs Mining has signed Investment and cooperation agreement with Ministry of National Defence for Mineral prospecting and exploration in Phuvong District, Attapeu Province, Lao PDR in an area of 50 square kilometres. We have completed phase 1 study to find out potential gold anomalies zones. Core assets of GDS are its people, Infrastructure, and sector specific expertise to provide customized & world class services to its clients. People are at the heart of our business. Our unique team of professionals have been given freedom to work and develop a culture of partnership and innovation within and outside of the organization to GROW TOGATHER. We aim to attract employees who strive to become leaders in their field. Founded upon strong pillars of Principals, Perseverance, Permanence and Partnership, our team always strive for quality services and innovative solutions while maintaining highest level of integrity & business ethics. Our unique approach of combining people, processes, and technology to bring innovation and excellence made us recognized as a trusted brand and a reliable business partner.


Striving to establish an organization driven by


At GDS Mining, we envision a future where sustainable mining practices meet cutting-edge technology and unwavering ethical standards. Our goal is to:

  • Lead the industry in responsible resource extraction
  • Foster innovation that transforms mining operations
  • Build lasting partnerships with communities and stakeholders
  • Cultivate a culture of safety, respect, and continuous improvement

We are committed to balancing profitability with environmental stewardship and social responsibility, ensuring that our operations benefit not just our shareholders, but also the communities we serve and the planet we all share.

Vision Compass

Core Assets

Partnership and cooperation amongst people to strive and maintain a cooperative and innovative business environment.

We focus on harnessing talent, encouraging collaboration, and driving innovation to foster a dynamic and forward-thinking business ecosystem.

Core Assets Image


Our operating models continuously develop agile, effective response to the emerging challenges and opportunities, the transformation plans which are owned at the top and implemented by leaders downstream.


For us, it is not about the next big thing, it's simply everything that's next. The next experience. The next innovation. The next possibility. We work to go beyond band-aid fixes and design holistic solutions that can evolve to respond to emerging allied and adjacent problems.


To ensure we magnify the scale and scope at which people can act, our framework focuses on bringing extreme automation to the landscapes in which they operate, including automation of operations based on our understanding of their requirements, data, infrastructure and business priorities.


Our agile approach transcends organizational boundaries, encompassing the entire enterprise. We are dedicated to the widespread implementation of agile systems and processes, with the overarching goal of fostering a dynamic environment that facilitates frequent decision-making.

Expert Opinion

Findings and Analysis

  • As per analysis and findings of prospecting Phase 01 which included Desktop study followed by Remote Sensing Study and Surface sampling & analysis of Rocks, Soil and stream sediments indicated very high potential & positive anomalies in reported zones. Positive anomalies zone coincides with Remote Sensing, Reported Fault lines, and surface sample results.
  • Based on the Expert opinion, Its highly potential area for Gold deposits, A detailed analysis of Geo Physical Study is going on to acquire more accurate data to ascertain the depth and estimated volumes of Gold and other minerals.